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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's not like many of us conservatives think McCain is worth a damn either. He tries to play both sides of the fence at the expense of the country.

That being said, the left ADORED him when he rolled over for them. Now that he disagrees with them he is the bad guy again.

What strikes as humorous about this HuffPo headline is that McCain is labled as 'trying to be a radical right candidate' simply for trying to establish a line of dialogue with Falwell.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the libtardos the ones who are always screaming for dialogue with the enemy?

So, it stands to reason that Democrats Are Trying To Be America Hating Radicals By Wanting To Establish Dialogue With The Enemy.

Can't have it both ways, moonbats.
Though you do try.....you do try


Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

I should have been more clear.
When I said the Left wants a dialogue with the enemy, I meant the TERRORISTS.

"If only we had talked to them and tried to understand how this was our fault. We need a dialogue, not bombs."

I think we've all heard that drivel more than once.

6:35 PM  

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