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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Liberals React To Saddam Verdict

Early reactions from the Libtards over at the HuffPost:

I don't know of anyone who thinks this was a "fair trial".
So, is anyone surprised by the results of this biased court?
By: Dillon on November 05, 2006 at 07:58am

Saddam is a far better man than George W. Bush ever thought about being.
By: shrike on November 05, 2006 at 07:58am

The number of innocents massacred by the neo-con zionist regime directing the Bush administration dwarfs those attributed to Saddam, and since the USA is still, though tenuously, a democracy, all US citizens bear an ultimate responsibility for these atrocities.
By: FUBush on November 05, 2006 at 07:41am

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and many others need to be brought to account for their crimes against humanity.
The only appropriate punishment would be a public hanging.
By: characterfirst on November 05, 2006 at 07:43am

President Lincoln killed 250,000 of his own people, he called them Confederates.
By: lornejl on November 05, 2006 at 08:19am

One thing about Saddam he is more of man than the other god damn murdering piece of shit, Bush.
Can you see Bush telling the judge he wants a firing squad instead of hanging?
By: BushCoSatanIncarnate on November 05, 2006 at 08:42am

By the way, I haven't seen a single post yet from a HuffPo reader who thinks that Saddams' conviction is a good thing. Things will be so much better if the Democrats win on Tuesday, don't ya think?


Blogger Matt Vella said...

This liberal thinks that he should get a short rope so he suffocates instead of getting the neck snap.

Hey, I got a job!

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Senor - Hope you don't mind me answering Joe - I'm going to anyway and you can throw in any 2 cents worth I miss. -

Sadamm was being tried for crimes he commited against the Iraqi people. We could drag him to the Hague for attacking Kuwait a few years back but then he would die of old age before they could choose a lawyer for him...

The attacks in Iraq are up because the terrorists want to affect your and my vote on the 7th and 8th of November. (Republicans vote on the 7th - Democrats vote on the 8th)

Terrorists are hoping the bad news put out by CNN and HuffPO will make you think that Iraq is a lost cause. and we are losing American lives for nothing.

I'd suggest you hit some of the MilBlogs to find out what our troops say is really going on. Those that Kerry disses as being dumb can and do write blogs. Check 'em out...

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh Joe - You sure are verbose.

"all of them I've read are optimistic"

"but that doesnt even begin to portray an accurate picture of morale"

There is no civil war in Iraq - Terrorists want to control the country and I guess you would prefer we let 'em...


Kerry has repeatedly dissed the troops and it started when he got back from Nam. - His handlers say he mis-spoke. His opponents say he spoke from his heart.


Re: 7th and 8th - Proof once again that some people have no sense of humor. Unlike our Minnesotian troops in Iraq.


Ask the Iraqi court why they have not provided the full transcript. Maybe they are rewriting it like many of the U.S. liberal courts rewrite American law.


12:45 AM  

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