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Not a simple misstatement, Joe.
He is lying.
Please explain to me how what he said was a joke? Whats the punchline? He's saying that we are in Iraq because Bush did really poor in school? For crying out loud, he had better grades than Kerry. He went to Harvard and Yale, so PLEASE explain how this was a joke.
Is that what constitutes a joke for the left? A US Senator telling a group of kids that the president of the US is an idiot is a 'joke'?
Bushisms are slips of the tongue and Bush has plenty of them.
I'm not buying Kerrys concocted story that this was a joke.
It bothers you that 2 days after he apologized we are still hitting him with it?
You mean like the MSM is doing to George Allen over his 'macaca' comment? Did you see the media so ready to quickly dismiss Allens statement after two days?
Hell no. Instead they dredged up people he played football with over TWENTY years ago to dig up dirt.
Foley resigned immediately. Is the media finally ready to let that one go? Nope.
Rush slammed MJ Fox 2 weeks ago. Have they let that one go?
I'll say it again, Kerry got worse grades than Bush in college, so why does he pretend to be so much smarter?
And if he is so smart and Bush is such a complete moron, why is it that Bush was able to so easily dupe Kerry in to doing his bidding on the Iraq war, which Kerry voted for?
Kerry is a terrible excuse maker. Talk about not being able to admit a mistake. He falls down on a mountain and he blames the secret service. He wipes out windsurfing, he complains that the secret service made it happen.
He loses an election and cant believe he 'lost to that idiot'. He votes for the war and then claims he was tricked by Bush.
Don't we expect a little more from our senators?
He is the King of Pathetic.
I wish one of those kids would have raised a hand and asked,
"Did you vote for the war? Arent you one of the people who got us into a war in Iraq? Havent you been saying for many years that Iraq was a threat? How did Bush so easily dupe you?"
Again, after Kerry made his 'joke', I wish one of those kids would have raised a hand and asked,
"Did you vote for the war?
Arent you one of the people who got us into a war in Iraq?
Havent you been saying for many years that Iraq was a threat?
How did Bush so easily dupe you?"
Didnt you do your homework, John?
Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2004
Responding to a challenge from President Bush, last week Senator Kerry stated that even if he had known then what he knows now, he still would have voted to authorize the use of force against Iraq in October 2002.
I guess his nuanced views must have evolved since then.
I'm sorry....
what office is Haggard running for? Is he an elected govt official of some sort?
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