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Saturday, September 23, 2006

NYT Does It Again

Yet another classified assessment leaked and printed by the New York Times. All the report says is that the threat from radical islam terrorists has grown since 9-11 and the Iraq war.
Of course it has. When we were bombing the shit out of Berlin and Tokyo, do you think the Germans and Japanese were loving us more?

For some reason, the libtards over at the Huffington Post don't get it. The FBI, CIA, and NSA are national security agencies. They work in the best interests of the nation. They are not Bush's 'own spy agencies'. They are doing their jobs. It seems that anytime somebody in the govt doesn't agree with the President 100%, it's the moonbats who make all the noise, not the conservatives who might disagree with some policies.

You see, the libtards demand that their minions march in lockstep at all times and that anybody who deviates from the game plan is a traitor and marked for banishment, ala Joe Lieberman and Hillary. Conservatives disagree with each other all the time.
It's allowed.

That's the reason conservative talk radio flourishes while liberal radio flounders. Here is a phrase you'll never hear on Air America:
"...and that's what I think. If you disagree, I want to hear from you, call 555-1010..."

I've called Air America talk show hosts dozens of times. You can't get on the air unless you have BDS. Nobody wants to hear one side of the argument all the time. Thats also why FOX NEWS and conservative formats flourish.

I guess the original photos posted with the story weren't omnious enough because the HuffPo just updated the site with this new pic for the headline:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you understand how leaks work? Things are leaked from the government because government officials are worried that the public needs to know them. If the New York Times deems it good enough to print, then it goes along.

It is not the NYT muck-raking, it is government officials going to the Times. Maybe if Bush actually ADDRESSED problems instead of campaigning against them, leaks wouldn't happen because there would be no horrible intel to leak.

2:02 AM  

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