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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hey, Joe

The rabid left has been pushing very hard to defeat Joe Lieberman with an anti-war candidate. Joe has faithfully served the Democrat party and his constituents for 18 years, yet he is now considered an outcast because he does not pander to the moonbats.

I really hope that Joe pulls if off today. If he does, it is one major bitch-slap to the lunatic fringe left. If he doesn't, then I think it speaks volumes about the disintegration of a party that once stood for something besides hating America.

Let's hope two things happen today: Cynthia McKinney goes down in flames in her runoff and Joe prevails. That alone will convince me that the Democrats haven't completely lost their way.


Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

How about because she doesnt show up to vote on behalf of her constituents. She didnt even show up to vote on the voting rights act.

7:13 AM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

I'll agree with you there, Joe. We would be much better off to toss every single incumbent into the street and start over with strict term limits.

Hey, that was refreshing, agreeing with Joe.

8:11 PM  
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