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Apparently they can, Christina. The program has already captured several, including the yahoo responsible for the Bali bombings.
There is no doubt the program was working. Yes, they DO have the ability to data mine mass amounts of information. American Express can do it, what makes you think the govt cant? The IRS doesnt seem to have a problem doing it.
The Times has no love for their country. They are traitors.
Same as the ones that outed Valerie Plame!
Who outed Valerie? So far I have seen no proof that the White House was involved. No indictments for outing Plame. Joe Wilson used to brag about her CIA status at DC parties.
You can believe something all day long, but without proof its nothing more than a sour grapes accusation.
Isnt it funny that the left was so upset about Valerie, yet when the Times commits an act of treason you all support them wholeheartedly.
I would rather trust the people working in our government to serve the interests of this nation than some editor in a failing newspaper. Except of course the idiot working for our government that 'leaked' this story of classified information and broke the law by doing so.
People of every political stripe work hard to find clues to stop terrorists... It is not just Republicans working on the anti-terrorists programs. There are a certain amount of safety measures to assure that there is no abuse of these programs. Many people from all walks of life are involved. Had there been abuses the NYT would have reported them.
People making decisions at the N. Y. Times are pretty much from one party. Most vote for Democrats...
It was classified information for a reason. There are people out there that want to kill Christina, Matt Vella, Senor, myself and most anyone reading this comment.
We are in a war like it or not. It started prior to 9-11. It will continue after Bush leaves office.
The leaker must be found and prosecuted. Those who took his stolen information and published it should be punished too.
The only problem with taking the NYT commander in chief to jail is it would create sympathy for him and his cause. Perhaps it would be better if citizens dragged him naked from his office, Coated him with tar and feathers and ran him out of town on a rail.
You know the town I mean. The one that used to have a different skyline.
The Democratic cause of revealing classified information under the guise of, "the people must know what our government is doing", is predicated on "Hate Bush" no matter what the cost to our country...
Remember this next time you vote!
"If New Orleans was smart they would stop waiting for a government handout and hire their own rebuilders."
The leftists in N.O. have known only one thing their entire life: govt handouts.
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