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Thursday, April 20, 2006


It's their best ad to date at moveOn.org, at least that's what they say. It is a 'critical' part of the 'big' plan to win in November. The ad features Republicans with 'red' hands and revolves around Abramhoff. The only problem is, when this ad airs it will surely be followed up by an embarrassing ad from the GOP that shows the Dems partaking in the exact same kind of behavior. Does anybody believe that Democrat politicians are more honest than others?

The Democrats still won't tell us what they will do to run the country more efficiently. Their 'big plan' is to crank up the attack machine, a tactic that has failed repeatedly for them since 1998.

Is there a far-right leaning website that gathers millions of dollars to churn out ads disparaging the left? If there is, can somebody please point me to it because I have never seen one.


Blogger Matt Vella said...

Seriously, I wish all the partisan backstabbing would go the way of the dodo and people would just get on with doing their jobs.

Anyone with dirty hands - anyone - should be brought to justice and a fresh crop of true public servants in their place.

But who am I kidding, this kind of shit will go on until the tea goes into the harbor in some form or another.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

...yup, and then the group that replaces them will become corrupt.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

i'll have to check those sites out, Joe. I think one of the dumbest things Bush has done is sign the McCain-Feingold bill which limits free speech and has resulted in all these bogus 527 groups.

4:51 PM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

I checked out Heritage Foundation, but couldnt find Amer Fam Values.
I don't see anything on Heritage that comes even close to what goes on at MoveOn.

There are no pre-written form letters to congressman and media, there are no pleas for money to make disparaging commercials (none that I could see, though they do have a 'contribution' section). There is no overt animosity.

The lunatic left has inculcated itself into the mainstream left and their message is anger, questionable tactics, and questionable motives. They blur the democrat message and mainstream voters remember that when they go into the ballot booth.

A lot of people in this last election told their liberal friends that they were voting for Kerry. But once inside the ballot booth, they did the opposite. On purpose.

Pelosi, Reid, and Kennedy don't help their cause by whining like little bitches every time Bush draws a breath.

6:53 PM  

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