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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Huffington Post Has No Integrity

This headline from the HuffPo today would give you the false impression that Sen. Frist was whining about not liking his job.
But when you click on the link you soon discover that the headline is a purposeful manipulation of the authors intentions.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist plans to step down from his role as Majority Leader when his second term ends this year so he can concentrate on his presidential ambitions.

Asked if trying to run a campaign from such a position would be difficult, he replied: "Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible."

In other words, it would be insane to make a run for president while trying to act as Majority Leader, there is simply too much work to be done. So he is doing the right thing. You would never get the impression that that was the intent of the story from the HuffPo's intentionally deceitful headline.

Its definitely gotten to the point where you cant trust a single headline at the HuffPo. Nothing but fake headlines, fake celebrity blogs, and fake war heroes. I'm convinced that Jayson Blair has landed a job as Editor-In-Chief at the HuffPo.

The HuffPo had decided to dutifully play by the rules of the template designated by the DNC.

You are going to notice the following for the rest of this year:
Frist Bashing, Iraq Bashing, and Hillary Bashing. Hillary is out with the moonbat left. Her ploy of trying to mold a public image as a moderate has fooled even the members of her own party and now they no longer trust her. They are very worried of Frist as a potential player in '08. Very worried.
And since the Dems still havent unveiled any sort of a plan, the only card they have left in their deck is the We-Are-Losing-In-Iraq card and 'redeployment'.

The HuffPo really believes it can fool all of the people all of the time. As long as they are Democrats.


Blogger Jason Ward said...

Ah...I was wondering when Karl Rove or Halliburton was going to be mentioned... Never Fails!

"left, liberals and Democrats in action, statement and philosophy online, on the radio, on television and in print"

I think 'Das Kapital' has been represented quite well, in fact.

But what is hilarious Mr. Scotch is that this mindless, conjecture-driven Bush hate is going to get another (R) elected in 2008.

I'd rather not see that happen myself, but it's so fun watching the left implode... Democrats have no ideas and that is why they will continue to lose.

If the world is coming to an end, they why do Democrats have to bus people to the polls?

4:29 AM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

Why do democrats have to slash the tires of peoples cars to keep them from voting?

Didley, at least I lay out the lies of the left and state why they are lies.
You cant do that. You cry of a vast conspiracy and lies but you cantt back it up with anything other than bumper sticker slogans.

7:32 AM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

No, it wasnt a metaphor, Didley. Five Kerry-Edwards campaign staffers, including the sons of two prominent Milwaukee Democrats, were charged Monday with the election day tire slashings of 25 get-out-the-vote vehicles rented by Republicans.


10:58 AM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

That was quite entertaining, didley. Liberals seem to enjoy drifting off into a dreamworld whereby they script the answers for their imaginary opponents. Thanks for casting me to play the part of the racist,Clinton-basher (whom I voted for TWICE, by the way).

My blog is here to counteract the lies of the Huffington Post. And its quite apparent to anybody with half a brain that they are purposefully manipulating the truth.

I dont think you will find any conservative sites that espouse the hatred found on these left wingnut sites. One need only read the comments sections to see that. Liberals are filled with anger and it shows in the vitriol they spew.

p.s. Anybody who is so stupid that they fall for the old "The election is next week" flyer shouldnt be voting in the first place.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

Thats a laughable list of sites you put out there. I never heard of any of them.

What the fuck are these, didley? These are your credible right wing sites? I'm not getting my quotes from obscure sites run by Joe Blogger.

I quote from The Huffington Post and MoveOn.org. Thats it! They are both sites that raise millions of dollars for the democrats and their intention is to make a profit and promote a political agenda. And they do just that. They are sites that get millions of visitors each week.

I'm not quoting from blogs written by some unemployed loser residing in his mom's basement. You are.

And try to make your point without penning a novella.

7:22 PM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

Just keep stopping by, didley, thats all I ask. Everytime you hit my site Karl Rove sends me a dollar.

11:07 PM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

"A liberal is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk for himself."

3:10 PM  

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