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Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Dems are The Real Hawks

It makes me nasueous when a democrat pretends to be concerned about our troops equipment and ability to fight.
Today the HuffPo featured a blog posting from Jim Derych, titled "Rush and The Role Of The Military". You see, the left is obsessed with Rush. They think that when he speaks, the Administration jumps. Its really Rush and Rove who have been outsmarting the left at every turn, not Bush. Derych writes in his article that Rush said, "“The purpose of the military is to kill people and break things.”, which is a pretty accurate assessment by Rush. Then Derych goes on to say:

"Rush’s definition also helps explain the difference between ‘us’ and ‘them’ when it comes to our attitudes about military spending. Dittoheads want more, better, faster, and more efficient methods for killing people and breaking things. Bunker-buster nukes, Crusader artillery, AC-130 gunships and the like get their nipples all hard."

Thats right...its called 'technology', you luddite. Its what makes us the most powerful nation on Earth. It doesnt necessarily get our nipples hard, but it does help us sleep a little more soundly at night. I'm sorry you cant appreciate that.

Then the luddite tosses out this asinine gem:
"But when we try to say maybe we could give our troops the up-armored Hummers they need, they bristle. “Armor? Hell, you can’t kill anyone with armor!”"

My understanding is that this is a non-issue with the troops and it has been addressed. As for the quote, I guarantee nobody said any such thing. Provide the quote and context and I will eat my shorts, liar-man.

Of course, its to be expected that some pantywaist like Derych thinks that demanding better armor makes him a hawk. The fact of the matter is, your family can sleep a lot safer at night with Republicans at the helm. The Democrats tried their best to dismantle the military and channel these funds to various welfare causes.
During the Clinton Administration:

The armed forces' active personnel decreased by 40 percent.

• The 10 Army combat divisions did not have a full complement of officers, tankers and gunners.

• The Air Force lacked 700 pilots to man its planes.

• With the exception of the Marine Corps, every branch of the armed forces was struggling to find new recruits.

Go ahead and pretend, liberals. We know where you really stand when it comes to the miltary and the defense of our nation.


Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

I dont see how anybody can think the Clintons have respect for the military. Hillary didnt even want Marines to wear uniforms in the White House. She had them serving tea at social events. She and Bill were very anti-military in their college days and that never changed.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am confused here, so help me, please! Didn't the family Clinton enthusiasticly support the Iraq invation?

9:34 PM  
Blogger Senor PeerPressure said...

No, they didnt, pekka. Hillary has been supportive of the Iraq invasion only because she is going to run for president and she needs to move more towards the center to fool people. This one is backfiring on though. She is losing the support of the radical left.
And while she is badmouthing the Dubai Port deal, Bill Clinton is working FOR the Saudi's to facilitate the deal. Its great stuff! Only in America!

10:10 PM  

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